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Friday, 8 April 2011


Another week over! I'm not going to lie, we had a relatively easy week. No complaints there. A few more weeks of classes and then we're off to do our finals. I can't believe that the school term's almost over!!!

I haven't updated in awhile. So lets do a bit of catch up!

So my group members and I finally finished our 10-page literature review two weeks ago! It was a lot of work, but I think the four of us made a great team. We even decided to dress up for our presentation. That made it a lot of fun even though it was totally unncessary. Anything to make it look like we actually knew what we were talkin about!!

Last Friday, me, Vi, and R braved through the rain and went shopping downtown. We treated ourselves with some retail therapy and jumbo hotdogs. Most memorable moments: finding the RH-lookalike jacket, trying to figure out what to do with the discoloured laces (thanks to Vi for reasoning with the SA's!), wandering around the Bay (looking for the $10 BCBG skirts...), walking until it felt like our feet were going to fall off, finding a Bench bench, and all of us running into people we knew (what a small world!) After 5 hours of shopping, Vi headed home while R and I headed over to G's house for a few rounds of MJ.

Last Saturday, my family and I went out for dinner with some family friends. To my surprise, my dad suggested Shanghainese food. I was really excited since I felt like trying something new. My favourite dish was definitely the "red chicken" in the first picture.

Later that night, I met up with a few friends at Bubble World. It's really becoming one of my favourite bbt places now :)

Credits to Vi for some of the photos in this post. Okay I'm tired now. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. i enjoy reading your posts. hahaha, LOL'ed at your description of last friday in dt as i was reading in my head but out loud.. it was very fun indeed, love the hairband look;)
